Hey. Who doesn’t need to pre-oil their shrimp and season them with heavy metals?
Side note: Romans makes a special case that laws should be followed when they are in agreement with God’s word. God ultimately destroyed Sodom...
“Love God, Jesus, and your fellow man, but screw them brown folk.” The absolute worst part about all of this is that the issue has resolutions...
How do you reconcile this with blatant criminality from your POTUS candidate? If I was convicted of felonies, I’d lose my security clearance tomorrow.
You’re referring to HPHT wells here. BSEE has regulations in-process, but I don’t know when they’ll be out. It’s cool technology, but I have...
When you deify a serial sexual abuser, grifter, and man who revels in bullying, you abdicate any association with the Bible, save the money...
Precisely. It’s “diversification” that we’re seeing. It’s about finding the right power generation for a given environment. It’s a huge...
This, above, is evidence of two things: “The FU I got mine” mentality that seems prevalent among those retired or about to retire. Delusions...
Ya, but he lifts and makes dem libs angry. Those are the two most important things. (Never mind that he and his entire generation reaped major...
Our ability to use any AI software like this is extremely limited due to PI and security issues. I’ve personally used it to help refine my CV...
If your retirement is in the stock market, your one really bad crash away from needing that Social Security. If you’re deporting America’s cheap...
Opening fire in crowded, cramped rooms environments requires very specialized training. Are we seriously going to suggest that Ms Smith,...
Do you have a link on this, by chance? I’m curious to read the proposal in detail before I form an opinion. Thanks!
Absolutely true. It absolutely terrifies me when I consider the potential effects on offshore safety.
I’m not going to do your research for you. It is your job to support yourself in the ways I outlined above. This sort of response always feel...
We’re working that way. I’m on well water and have buried propane for heating and cooking. I’m getting solar panels installed next year, though VA...
My God. This post is like if Dunning-Kruger and an ad hominem fallacy combined their powers to create the stupidest strawman yet posted in this...
How so many Americans consider this standard operating and flatly refuse to engage in even minimal gun control, instead wanting to arm teachers or...
Budgeting is one thing that really grinds my gears. I get it to some degree. If we have surplus budget at the end of the FY, there’s always talk...
I’m speaking in generalities, but according to the IG, yes. They are. See here: More USPS Employees Are Quitting and Workers Are Protesting...