There's of course a world of nuance behind the word "forced" (i.e. encouraged or coerced by teachers, pressured via peers or by feeling excluded,...
The issue was that this was an FCA club at an elementary school, and the FFRF argued that teachers or other employees (i.e. government employees)...
The argument seems fair that elementary school students are unlikely to be capable of running a school club without assistance from school...
Interesting tidbit. Recent evidence suggests that Neanderthals may have been both smarter (as evidenced by larger craniums) and (IIRC) more...
It being a plea bargain makes it worse, imo. It wreaks of him getting offered a sweetheart deal by the prosecutor because he was in the law...
Now there's a product that's definitely different from what we enjoyed 20 years ago.
100% understanding and sympathetic to why she would use non-competes, I think you'd have a hard time arguing that it is not in fact...
Does this recent FTC ruling include NDAs? I've only seen reference to non-competes, which is obviously different.
Freakonomics pretty thoroughly debunked this theory decades ago.
[IMG] Of all your questionable takes on this forum, that may be the most absurd. :p
A dude asking why girls are offered sanitary products at schools, must not understand what menstruation literally looks like for many females....
Most bloviated way I've seen to just say "I've browsed 4chan."
"investigative researcher" [img]
Of all the people and all the causes to protest via self-immolation, I don't know that I will ever truly understand this one.
Hadn't seen any posts from lousiana in a while... Either he just completed a ban timeframe, or he got back last night from another trip to defend...
Roth conversions make sense if: 1) You’re over the income limit and want to “backdoor” a Roth IRA contribution 2) You can take advantage of a...
As opposed to other retirement accounts or standard brokerages which are also taxed coming out in addition to when spent? Not sure how much sense...
In fairness, if we somehow hit that absurd goal, it would be the first time in American history that we hit one of these lofty federal targets....
Bluke apparently decided to play "2 lies and 1 truth" without telling anyone.
SSDD. They're "concerned" for these troubled youths while supporting efforts to legally force them to comply with "what we random strangers think...