That's good to hear because I want to see this corrupt Government torn down to its very core. This country needs to be destroyed so it can be...
Good. Then they can immediately start paying taxes and while we're at it they can pay Texas back for the complimentary transportation they...
Not a horrible thing to happen for what you believe in. I can't wait for your meltdown when Trump gets back into office and every single January...
You'll have a Civil War before you get anywhere close to Trump. You won't just be going to Trump, you'll be going through thousands of his supporters.
Trump cares more about the middle class and middle America than any of your Communist Liberals ever will, that's for sure. Your candidates call...
Some of the greatest people in history are those who questioned the "science".
And Trump is the only President in recent time who has actually cared about the people. Cared about Middle America, the Middle America you Coastal...
If all of your immigrants are so wonderful how come so many of them are just hanging out at the O'Hare Airport? Or just hanging out at NYC hotels,...
It's hilarious you actually think the FBI and CIA are worried about stopping terrorists and the drug trade. Heck the FBI and CIA are probably in...
That's really cute you genuinely believe they are all coming here to work. Just ignore all the Chinese that are coming over here through the...
Will Biden commit to a peaceful transfer of power if Trump wins the 2024 Election? Biden has said on several occasions he views Trump as a...
The world is a very different place than it was 100 years ago and you know it. How many immigrants were coming to the U .S. during those years...
With all due respect you just admitted that you are biased on this issue. I'm assuming without immigration you would not have met your wife, so I...
Pretty sure we don't have any challenges attracting immigrants. The problem currently is that far too many immigrants are coming here. Far more...
And last time I checked the constitution can be amended if needed. Doesn't mean it's easy, but it can happen. Your side would love to dismantle...
And yet how many billions have we wasted in Ukraine? With the money we have given to Ukraine we could've completed the wall ten times over and had...
Answer my question. Shouldn't a child, at birth, be a citizen of the country of their mother?
Like your side has ever truly cared about the constitution. Besides, like your side would say, the constitution can be updated. Please answer this...
Yep because I want my daughter to marry a leader, not a follower. I want my daughter to marry a man who thinks for themselves and isn't a blind...
And there's even more dead "vaccinated" out there as well. Your "vaccine" did anything BUT protect you. Have fun with all the unintended...