New York City and Chicago saying the surge of immigrants is pushing them to the breaking point. Surge of Migrants Heading North Has Chicago, New...
Not a lot of time as I'm heading but just wanted to say wrong. I live in Fort Walton Beach. I'm from Slidell, Louisiana originally.
Definitely not what I thought this this thread was going to be. I could definitely use Gal Gadot (or even a Gal Gadot sex robot) right about now, lol.
I would say have the drones do it, that way it isn't on any individual's conscience. For me personally I wouldn't take any joy in it at all, it...
Yes I am a Native American thank you very much. I am not an Indian no. I think it's cute you think Indians in any way are innocent here. Should we...
But again the U.S. can't support every person from every 3rd world country that wants to come here. Then the U.S. will collapse (maybe not...
I didn't say it was the worst offense you can commit. But yes I take someone violating the sovereignty of my country very seriously. I absolutely...
No, it isn't. The U.S. isn't to blame for every issue in the world, no matter how badly you want every issue to be the U.S.'s fault. For most...
It's a dramatic solution I agree but Democrats have made it to where a dramatic solution is necessary. Again you only mention women and children,...
I would rather spend money on border security and a wall than the billions we are wasting in Ukraine. We could have easily built the wall and had...
Simple answer, you come into this country illegally. You are shot on site. If you survive you receive medical treatment but are then immediately...
Say it over and over again all you want, it's not going to change my opinion. And yes I do think Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy made us safer...
He sure as heck isn't doing anything to stop it. Why don't we compare the immigrant numbers during Trump compared to during Biden? They sure...
Sorry. A pathway to citizenship is a no go for me and I will actively vote against and campaign against any politician who tries to do a pathway...
I'm okay with this but on a seasonal basis only. And once the need has concluded the immigrant is required to go back to their home country.
I just turned 40 thank you very much. :)
My immediate manager disagreed with the vax mandate as well and didn't want to let me go. I have led several reforms in my department which has...
The pureblood term has been commonly used in the last few years for those of us who fought government oppression and resisted the vaccine. I lost...
Except the free market doesn't always get it right. Sometimes rules have to be established and followed regarding of the free market, regardless...
I don't hate America but I hate what it's become. A country with no pillars. A country that stands for nothing. A country that tries to be...