And you know for a fact a white person would have never created blues or jazz or rock n roll or gospel? Sure it might have been later but I...
Everything you just said about Biden I could say about Trump as well during his term. Before the pandemic from 2017-2019 the economy was one of...
You said it better than I ever could. Despite what many here will believe I’m not anti immigrant. But I want immigration control, including a...
How do you know for sure? If there’s nothing else we can agree on I’m sure we can agree that most of us here are fans of the Gators. How about a...
Yes I am. So again tell me what multi culturalism does specifically to make the U.S. better? What has a Black person done that a White person...
I know you meant this in a mocking way but for the women part you are already right. A lot Blacks and Hispanics have taken a White Women out of...
Once again your side always says it makes the country better. But it’s always just that platitude. How? How does it make the country better,...
But the U.S. isn’t allowed to do a cut off, right? So why should Mexico be allowed a cut off?
You mentioned China as an example. At the end of the day though while China might have multiple cultures all of China outside of Tibet and Taiwan...
So if a million white people, starting tomorrow, entered Mexico each day for 10 days, those white people would be welcomed with open arms by...
Really? That’s funny. Please show me where China and India are forced fed “diversity is our strength” like in the west. Please identify where 10%...
I’ll admit that surprises me. But when the U.S. ultimately becomes a majority Hispanic country will that continue? That’s what I worry about more...
And how many countries without core cultures have made it long term? History shows that the countries that have been around for thousands of years...
See and in my opinion it’s the opposite. I think a vote for Biden is a vote against Democracy, a vote against the rule of law (we only enforce the...
A good example of what I'm talking about from a NYT article: On the Ballot in Iowa: Fear. Anxiety. Hopelessness.
As we begin the election season there's been a lot of articles talking about how both sides see the this election as one of doom and gloom. How...
So then why not sell them to historical groups to be used in museums or on private land? While I think the whole thing is disingenuous, I do not...
And yet all I have to point to is the Speakership debacle with Kevin McCarthy. Democrats could've easily torpedoed the house freedom caucus,...
I'm sorry but this is all factually incorrect. First of all by not having a true border none of us have a clue who are in this country. You don't,...
And sure it's tit for tat but that's what the Democrats do. This is where Republicans have traditionally failed. The Democrats have essentially...