His lack of fire in his pressers really are starting to tick me off.
Getting all these young guys reps and experience is great and all, but pretty pointless if you have an inept playcaller with no game management...
If BN doesn't get an OC and ST coach in Jan, he needs to be fired. This is simply unacceptable. I hope the forces that be, make him do what he...
Start tackling and not trying to strip it.
Hands in their early without looking for the ball, PI all day long. Kid got the dreaded back of the head to the turf. Out right away.
Vertical works?? Well I'll be! Nice TD.
Sack up and call something worth a damn on offense. Frustrating as could be watching this nonsense.
He can't pass block.
All these sacks. Foreign to me.
The poster was right, 76 plays off every pass play. Probably out of necessity given his talent but still.
What role has our OL coaches played in the success or failures of our OL recruiting the past two years? NIL I agree is a factor but what about...
24 and 25 recruiting classes combined with a true OC and I feel good about where we will be sitting. Lots of positives laying under the obvious...
We need the 2024 and 2025 classes to be top 5. Billy to hire a playcaller and just be the CEO. If this happens, I feel confident we start be...
Really don't like the play calls in these needed situations.
The refs are just all around brutal for both sides.
Mercy rule this.
Well somewhat, but we also could have punted the ball and played the long game. We could have run the ball instead of a wildcat throw call. We...
Avalanche happening now. Argh.
Too easy.....
terrible spot and don't love getting fancy on that call at all. Billy gets too cute at times.