I agree 100%. All about the money. Ex wife- let's make it an amicable divorce, for the kids sake. Me- let's do this thing! Her- but only if you...
It's on pg 136. Go look if you don't believe it.
I think we should go after Chip Kelly as our next coach. Does anyone have a time line as to when our AD will start talking to potential candidates?
You can never go wrong with more Knob Creek
I've been out of touch all day, congrats on the 600, but what's this other bs I'm reading about on the last page or two? Is ucla gonna scoop us?
Absolutely!. Right up there with Bad Santa!
They were in the playoffs, haven't heard if they won last night or not
Can CK talk to recruits before he's named HBC or is that a no no?
What's the I think Tilly has heard some good word.
Yeah it's not loading for some reason, probly the beers
Holy shite it is FLOODING in knooxville
Probly gonna regret asking, but what's a jigger? Other than alkyhol related
That's Butch, letting out farts of historic proportions as he leaves town
So let's say CK is a done deal. Who do you think he goes after for coordinators and assistants? I just can't see more than one or two guys from...
Damnit, I clicked it anyway. Complete brain fart on my end, I forgot what was on pg 136. I'm gonna blame it on all the beer
Morning folks, did they announce CK overnight?
I'm thinking chip is a Doobie Brothers guy
Taken with several grains of salt chased by tequila and a bite of lemon, repeat until you don't give crap who said what about anything
Wow 400 and counting! Way to go! Sorry I missed 400, stupid job.