Can someone please stop Travis? Holy crap
It’d be cool if AR completed a pass this half.
How do we reset this program? Control, alt, delete? Unplug for 30 seconds?
How does he not catch that?
How in the world do we only have 30 rushing yards? What a joke
Damn. There goes Billy’s bonus. He used a timeout
That’s funny
What kind of running play was that?
Why is there no urgency when the clock is running?!? Makes me crazy!
Now we just have to score twice in a little over six minutes. Let’s start with an off tackle run
There you go
I think both targeting calls were bad.
They don’t seem concerned at all. Wish there was someone animated on the sidelines. Like a coach or something
The way things are going, I’d be shocked if we won this game
It seems when the D get a penalty that extends a drive, they just get deflated and almost give up
Over pursued again!!! Damn they’re frustrating
We just can’t get out of our own way. Ridiculous
Great pass and catch
Does CBN get a spiff for every TO he has left in every game?