Seemed like every time we tied or pulled ahead a bit, they had the answer. Yet the Gators hung in there and made it happen. What joy to see those...
UF 90 UK 87 Pullin 8
27-0 vs. Georgia. We helped the frat boys carry the goal post out of the stadium. The cops just smiled.
No points for picking Pullin?
UF 80 UGA 75 Pullin -4
I lived behind Traders for years. Nice wooded spot. It could get a bit noisy at closing time, but it also meant the cops were in the neighborhood...
Yeah and Keith Richards was Keith Richard for most of the Stones' prime years. Think he got sick of people misspelling it.
I too am a Mike White fan (except for the Georgia part). But he had his quirks and faults, and the premature slowdown was one of them.
Lovely win, but did I detect a bit of a premature Mike White slowdown early in the second half? (Have not missed that.) Keep running, keep gunning.
UF: 80 MSU: 76 Clayton 11
UF 90 Ex-wife's crappy team 75 Clayton 48%
Now we have missed layups to go with missed FTs -- at least the latter was better this time out. FWIW.
UF: 85 UT: 80 Pullin -2
Gators: 90 Razorbacks: 80 Clayton 6 Gotta get this one.
UF 80 Ole Miss 76 Clayton 67%
UF 80 UK 77 Clayton + 4
Gators: 90 Bobcats: 75 Richard Pullin +2
Run by Rutgers! Ugh.
UF 90 Gram 75 Clayton 20/13
That game doesn't go to OT if UF was at least mediocre at the line. Doesn't seem to be getting any better and I agree this will be costly. Great...