The "nice guy" put himself, and him being proven right, above everyone and everything else. Hubris.
Soft and predictable. I dont like our odds against anyone left on the schedule.
Napier going to go down Napiering.
Moral Victory!
Game will be decided in second half Florida 24 ATM 30
Entirely typical in my experience. Seen guys get back into contracting, literally risking that entire fat nest egg. Mostly because they didnt...
Matt Mercer says "Hi."
Honestly do not know how much of that can or should be attributed to Stricklin. Outside of the money maker sports UF's innate advantages loom...
Napier doesn't know what he doesn't know and there is nobody within the program with the knowledge, clout, or authority who can disabuse him of...
With a respectable loss to Miami Napier could have survived a 5-7 season. 6-6, with our schedule would have been a respectable foundation. But...
Overall Norvell's problems seem more correctable than Napier's.
Yep, he is proving as stubborn and hard headed as Mullen, with as much attachment to hiring and retaining his underperforming buds. Major...
I will take Things You Cant Unsee for $1000 Alex
New Pope?
One more score. Put it to bed.
That pitch looked dangerously forward
Pretty sure that was trolling.