Okee gets off starting as many new threads as he can. Complain, antagonize, demean. Rinse and repeat.
When Veterans Needed Help, Tim Walz Abandoned Them (townhall.com) Walz was the Ranking Member on the House Vet Affairs Committee. Do you know...
Keep shilling for your empty-headed, unpatriotic, insulting, unqualified, lying, loathsome and morally bankrupt former guy. "our friends here on...
Just keep playing the clips of him disrespecting our military and veterans. He. Is. Disgusting.
Imagine Old Blood and Guts in the same room as DJT ???
Aww, ain't you cute? What have YOU been doing wrong the last 2.5 years?
"In fact, the highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one's country." Gen. George S. Patton Enough said.
Speak for yourself, Bubba. My financial circumstances, along with everyone in my extended family and friends, have IMPROVED the last 2.5 years....
Nah, Rhonda is too busy destroying what is left of New College. Today it was the libraries. Gotta make sure the students don't have academic...
So, some here would rather quibble about what MAGA means and sidestep the fact that Tina Peters was tampering with voting machines. PATENTLY...
Seems possible that Heavener and Patel were/are blocking and tackling to prevent further board takeovers. The Sasse hire might have looked...
Here is one result of political meddlng in Florida higher ed. Richard Corcoran, Pres of New College, earns a base salary of $699,000 and received...
Okee: No takers -- you aren't particularly interested in honest answers. The entire board knows all you'll do is refute & demean (rinse,...
Agree that my comment on carbs was too broad. NavyGator has it right. Food changes are MUCH easier once you've been hit. Like that line from...
It was a black hole. [Black holes form when massive stars collapse... emitting a burst of radiation and then disappearing.]
A couple of pompous societal deviants blah-blahing on about their cringy ideas. No thanks.
Youth vote, disaffected Repubs and Independents, and a 30-point gender gap (Trump up 12% among men, Harris up 18% among women.) Huge ground game...
Three powerful dietary changes to ward off many cancer types: 1) Drastically reduce refined sugar intake (cookies, cakes, candies, ice cream,...
NOT A NEW IDEA. Tax Free Tips Act of 2011, H R. 1139, Sponsor: Rep. Ron Paul, Texas The bill never came to a vote during that Congress, but...