Christianity has one unpardonable sin. Wokeism has no pardonable sins.
If Trump wins, guess who he's going to appoint as Secretary of the Interior?
Makes about as much sense to me as running back into a burning building to save my S&H green stamps.
Correct. Trump is the threat to Our DemocracyTM.
Now we know why they got rid of the divisions. Bringing UT and OU into the West and moving AU to the East would have made it even worse.
What you can say is their miracles were opposite in nature. Moses called down plagues upon his enemies and destruction upon his followers who...
If Sasse means what he says and backs it up, his academic mission here is far more important than any athletic success.
James Cameron should ret-con these into Titanic. That'll put a stop to people laughing at propeller guy.
I agree. The Secret Service could've used her at the White House last year.
I'll take a stab at this. Hypergamy is the culprit. Going back to 20% of the men getting 80% of the action, the average sperm count per...
The point is what good does it do to worry about it if what you can control is in control?
I wonder if you can find a cheaper prison bunk on Priceline.
I've got a fabulous idea. Prison vouchers! What works for schools will work for prisons!