Now you've done it! [IMG]
I've heard of red letter Christians who only study/follow the gospels and the few words of Jesus that are found elsewhere in the Bible (e.g., his...
The last thing I'll probably see before I get thrown into hell is Hitler being welcomed into heaven. It would fit the narrative.
A woman who puts out whenever you want her to and doesn't nag you or get old and fat or suddenly dump you when everything was (seemingly) fine...
Well, your avatar obviously fell down on the job!
But not when you slam the recliner footrest on it.
Same devil worshipping crap the Super Bowl has been putting in their halftime shows the last decade.
If Usain Bolt wants to steal the show, all he's gotta do is put on a yellow wig and enter the heptathlon.
She certainly had the courage of her convictions. [MEDIA]
I thought it was 81 million. They're still filling out ballots? is a danger to our democracy! But only for this one time!
There are too many things in life that are out of balance, debates that are owned by a tyranny of the majority dictated by dominant genetic traits...
Since the '20-'48 stats were made MLB official stats, Robinson's rookie year is now his 1945 season with the Kansas City Monarchs. He spent the...
And the weather outside will be mostly rowdy with an 80% chance of mid to late week riots. What a shit show, indeed.
When life was a little less predictable and a lot more fun.
Nothing positive to add yourself about someone who threatens to occupy the White House? This is the worst kind of whataboutism.
A minor footnote from history, also in 1947: [IMG] Jackie Robinson--the 3150th black major league baseball player, give or take, who...
Our schedule is so tough we can't even go 8-4 without a couple of signature wins. That's why.
Maybe in the moment, but they are also engaging in fantasy thinking. They need help to get through it, but they'll understand later when they're...
I guess you missed the part where Karl Rove endorsed Burgrum. Kiss of death. No thanks.