Refs bad. Gym bad. Can someone post the fenloven score?
Stanford is a private school with an enrollment of less than 18,000 QUOTE="atlantagator86, post: 15492737, member: 312"]Here's the problem with...
Maybe Clemson should be happy with their tv share of rights. Looks like Stanford and Cal might be a bit of a challenge
No, it was during his first go-round
Willie was a student in a couple of courses I taught. He was after the Sloan era
The Florida Connie Mack was a direct descendant of THE Connie Mack
Sorry for going Jean Paul Sartre, but nobody knows if a different choice would lead to a better or worse outcome. Happy for you that your outcome...
Welcome back aka!
In the late 30s Percy Beard did the engineering structure for what is now our house, on behalf of then football assistant coach and boxing coach...
I’ve taught television industry-related courses since 1979–since 1985 at UF. This guy has no idea what he’s talking about. All...
“Markets” are becoming less relevant because of new delivery systems that allow “streaming.” The next contracts will be about conference packages....
My dad was born in Poland, and he insisted that his steak be well-done. The rest of us had them medium (I now prefer rare). Whenever we had steak...
When I was 10-12 years old my dad told me I should stop ordering hamburgers and the like when we went to a restaurant—I should order things I...
There is this thing known as Article 3 of the Constitution (part of the original Constitution, not an amendment) that gives the Federal government...
I’m surprised we’ve never played East Carolina before.
Nothing stops us from rooting for the Cardinal and Gold UF Manatees
Hey Michelangelo, nice statue, but have you ever painted a ceiling?
That was always an underreported/under appreciated story. Also T. Green