Another conservative call on 3rd down.
suck it, nolies!
Not sure that was a HBP on the UT player.
Someone earlier said call Larry Shyatt. Boys about to give up 100, again.
Not even the refs were stoppin' this 2nd half onslaught! Shout to DZ!
so refs just pause the game, after Gators start running their final set. no reason given. lol.
And of course it's a foul, on the other end. LOL.
The ball just "exploded" out of his hands. Uh, because Samuels was fouled!
all we needed was 2 to win. why are we pump faking for a 3?
epic late game collapse
Horrible possession.
Why don't the PGs attack this damn press?
Pullin was clearly fouled on that drive. Lol.
CBNs future at UF will depend on him giving up OC duties.
You're blaming the DEFENSE for this game?
Horrible series.