Like I said previously they should be leading the charge in all aspects with support from federal. They know what’s best for their state and need...
And??? We’ve got that covered so far. Go volunteer your expertise to save the country. No matter who is selected somebody is gonna whine. I say...
I’m not saying it will be 100% effective but Texas would give it a hell of a try. The National Guard would be the first step used and if I’m...
That small majority is getting really vocal and growing these days. How many of this years prez candidates were for open borders? If given the...
If given that task I’m sure Texas could muster up a plan to deal with its border. I’m not saying all Democrats would be bad but there are so many...
I agree that there should be latitude given to states to handle these issue with support from the federal level. If a state is failing then by all...
Yes there are things the federal govt should be doing that they haven’t. There’s also things governors should be doing that many haven’t....
I chose this name when I was stationed in SC many years ago. Since then I’ve lived abroad, back in Florida and now in San Antonio Texas. I do a...
I didn’t say this was solely a local and state problem. I said governors and local leaders should lead and care for their areas or states because...
Well we def don’t want the borders left to Democrats. That would be a disastrous decision and leave this country with so many more issues to deal...
Your logic is flawed, the border is a national border. If you left the border to Texas Democrats wouldn’t win many more races.
Umm governors should be handling their states. That is exactly their job to do and exactly what they were elected to do. I’m surprised you didn’t...
Oh well if he didn’t want to come compete in big boy football and would rather go to the west coast where he feels safer then go ahead. I want...
You’re right this is the perfect time to sneak Chip into town.