Just some general thoughts aside from the speech. Every person I have ever known says that their kids are the most important part of their...
If I acted like that at work, I'd be fired or maybe in jail.
I often think about the behavior of many "adults" and "leaders" when people gripe about how immature today's young people are. What message is...
They did make changes, but the history on LGBT issues was deep. Chick-fil-A and LGBT people - Wikipedia
Reportedly, both the prosecution and the defense determined that it was too risky to call Allen Weisselberg, who's currently living his best life...
Not to get too far afield, but I don't think it was just about the mere expression of Cathy's personal belief. My recollection is that Chick-Fil-A...
To be clear, I personally don't think he should lose his job, and I doubt he will. Just saw there's a petition out there with 30K signatures, but...
Probably not a realistic threat given that Gaetz and Trump both reside in Florida.
My gut without knowing more is that if the transcript is not privileged (or if the privileged was waived), what's the distinction with respect to...
If the things Ingraham, Trump and others said about Lebron and Kapernick (they should shut up and play ball, should be fired etc.) are being said...
I recall that Iceland has relatively high rates of out of wedlock birth. I don't know if that translates to comparable rates of single parent...
Imagine Biden calling the man an SOB and calling for his firing!
Not sure if anybody knows but I have been wondering given the live tweeting about the trial and access. My understanding is that there are...
Interesting invocation of Trump's order to the Proud Boys. What are they standing by for? Moral support? Helping Trump get around his gag order?...
Personally, I don't fault celebrities/athletes for using their platforms even when I am critical of their views. I do wonder how Laura Ingraham...
One possible difference I see here compared to other wars. We killed or incarcerated German political and military leaders. We had the famous deck...
Are the betting markets giving up on Ben Carson? I have wondered if the testimony and coverage about the National Enquirer going after Carson to...
Very well said. This line of yours particularly resonated with me: "The ability to generate one's own income gives one more flexibility and power...
I think I'd heard about that theft example. You don't have to answer my hypos of course, but as someone who doesn't practice criminal law, I've...
“I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolic lies told to you,” Butker said. “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in...