Hey Limb...just a drive by pubster... Cheers and I look forward to hearing more about your orchard and how it is doing...
Hey Dude...What kind of smoker are you using??? Cheers from the Pirate...
Hi Slinky...just a drive by pubster spreading some good cheer...
Go Gators...Cooking up some Mojo for the BCS game???
Go Gators...I am tired of this cold weather too...get your butt on the nightowl thread ...I am on that dreaded 3-11 shift and stay awake way too...
A Fernandina Go Gators!!!
Go Gators....How you got your idea for your name was hilarious... Dave
Go Gators...feeling like a geogia fan now???
Just checked out your album...I 69 huh...sounds like a bingo number to me...but nevermind...you have a wicked sense of humor!!! You go girl...
Unfortunately I will be working the midnight shift wednesday night...have fun
Morning my friend from a sleepless wonder in north fla....beat sow...
Verti...It is only 12:40 right now...oh it is a weeknights....just talkin
I know...some of this stuff is easy and some so hard... I would love to be where those palms are right now ... enjoy your evening
Hey Man...I feel your pain
Me too...just chilling...wearing freaking socks...too cold for me... I love those palm trees BTW
Hi Verti...hope your afternoon is going well...
Go Gators!!!
Hi Verti...from the Pirate
I love palm trees...great job
Well I can't sleep tonight!!!