I'd like to see it, I don't think it would change much, instead of a media time out at 8 it would be at 10...big whoop.
Game would be over by the half.
Man, calamity all over the place, very uncharacteristic game.
Stuff like this lousy production and the softball game last week not even being able to be aired makes me think UF really is cheap as hell.
Lol..."trash hits"
Flip the switch ESPN
Anyone voting for their joke of a stadium needs their head examined, it's a grade A dump.
A definite memo went out from someone about the fouls, they are way down the past couple of days.
Georgia tradition, wonder if they actually encourage this type of stuff.
Wise to move, probably would have moved on last year if they hadn't gotten to the final 4. All these coaches are looking to the next step up.
Go Go Washington Post.
I'll still watch, seeing KU get blown out again is nice.
Most would agree, more and more teams are turning the NIT down, the only reason the pups are even in is because Ole Miss said no.
Best season in a long time.
If you score a lot of points you give up a lot, we need to get better at D but hopefully not at the expense of the offense, no returning to the...
A very fun season, basketball is meant to have lots of points scored and this team was great at it.
Bad showings don't carry over, we'll be fine.
Lets hope not...go Horns! :D
I'll have to make the SEC has my updated address because I've never gotten a check from them ;) Also, it sucks that we lost but Auburn flaming...
Refs stepping in to screw Yale.