Well we got to see underhand free throws in the Olympics, that's a gold in my book.
Yikes, USA was the worst of all the teams that played today.
Definitely AAFL stats, make sure the Dolphins know they weren't the first to go undefeated.
105 for football is ridiculous, rather see it lower so people can't hoard talent.
Miami might have an actual shot at the big10 now that they are an AAU school, also they would go along great with all the other northern schools...
Equestrian is the only SEC sponsored sport that UF doesn't have so it does make some sense, supposedly the next SEC sport to be sponsored will be...
Reds go cheap with their pick.
Clemson and fsu want uneven revenue distributions, if the ACC decides to bend over for them I'm sure they would stay.
Maybe A&M should run away to the pac2, probably more their level.
Jonathan India was NL Player of the week last week.
Matt Mitchell funny as always, the rest...eh.
It'll be neither, they have big12 written all over them.
Miami and fsu fans are the same people, you will rarely find a fan of one who isn't somewhat a fan of the other, they will try and hide it under...
She was always going to Oklahoma for that big pile o cash.
Eh. Games are more exciting at least, 3 cupcakes a year isn't.
We're already getting away from the 7 games thing, I think we're at 6 every other year for the rest of the decade.
You will always be little brother A&M :D
When's the deadline? the next century? lol fsu will always choke on the big stage and then whine.
Doubt he's going anywhere, the Lakers hired his podcast buddy to be "coach", of course they will draft his son for him.