I kinda doubt ESPN will alllow Messrs. Stricklin and Kelly to grandstand on their programming. Bad precedent, IMO, since others might expect the...
I have to agree that, yes, Alex did tweet that and that, yes, it was later deleted and no, I didn’t screenshot it when I saw it. In fact, after...
What fun it was to go back and read through this whole thread.
I like seeing "LSU" window decals, t-shirts, hats, etc. these days. Warms my heart.
What was the Ryan Malone story, for those of us who follow our Gators in all things but don't follow all things about our Gators? And we can't...
Worth coming back to this observation from earlier. The video is so clear that the runner didn't even attempt to touch the bag. Blatant and yes,...
GG, count me as a guy who has been on these pages daily from the start of the season. I'm not a Gator Fan of one sport over any other. I'm a...