When I lived in downtown Atlanta I had a pump shotgun. I think I had a couple of birdshot shells. I was told that the sound of a pump would scare...
Silly me I have a sweet black lab for my home defense. He probably would lick to death an intruder. Where do you live that you think you need an...
I get this. It’s not like these people were going to vote for trump it was they weren’t going to vote at all.
I like that too. I just hope that they have been properly educated to know what’s real research and what’s just maga echo chamber crap.
Wasn’t the old urban legend that there were tons of dog and cat collars outside of Asian restaurants. Maga stupidity isn’t even original.
Living in Florida I am aware of the problems that exploding populations do to infrastructure. Eating pets isn’t one of them. Springfield was a...
The entitled asshole was the cop in this situation.
I think that is what you are doing.
Maybe but being a dick isnt a crime. Cop should have written him his ticket and moved on. The only way this isn’t a cop being a dick is if he did...
I agree there are situations where cops have it rough. But traffic control isn’t one of them. Other than working in the heat.
No it’s not. It should be about helping people. It’s not it’s about having power over people.
Saw a video done by a lawyer. Who said it looked like 20 to 30 over the speed limit.
I saw that video. It seemed like cops being dicks. They got mad that he rolled up his windows while the cop was writing the ticket. It’s Florida...
We need tons of those Asian families in DeLand the Muscovys are displacing all the other ducks and they are disgusting.
I am just guessing here that mining the limestone would hurt the aquifer that it was withdrawn so quickly shows there was something wrong going on.
Was it you who said car engines primarily exhaust carbon monoxide? It was one of you “experts”
The anti choice crowd has always lied about this issue. They lie about when abortions happen, how old the fetuses are and how developed the...
How many 3rd trimester abortions that weren’t to preserve the life of the mother or because the fetus was non viable do you think happened?
How about being pro freedom? let women make all decisions about their bodies. If men are antiabortion they can choose never to have vaginal sex. A...