Trust me Lawyer I will not run from the likes of you.
Reread Gator Lawyers first post to me and then tell me who started calling who names. I will never start the name calling but I won't just take it...
For the last time I do not hate trans. If you read my post you will see I have a transgender brother in law that I love very much. We laugh and...
Another brilliant post. Boy, how much you guys like to hear yourselves trade insults and you wonder why our country is so divided. The actual...
Again you are totally wrong and you keep doubling down on your position. Read all of my posts and maybe you can find the truth. Calling me a...
Another brilliant post!!!My favorite part is that the Gator Lawyer actually thinks it's a winner of a post. Shows you how insignificant his...
The only people I see off the rails right now is your little group. You remind me of the Hamas protesters. You scream the loudest without...
No I am Jewish do you have a problem with that.
Don't you ever again send me a personal letter like the one you just sent you uneducated fool.
What makes you think you are the voice of reason. You have completely misrepresented my point of view. But I get it, you extreme leftists only...
If we are talking about assholes you are first in line my friend. Sorry if I offended you creepy liberal sensitivities. By the way if you even...
You just keep getting all your information from the New York Times and stay in your bbble/ Don't get yourself all riled up. This was a tongue in...