I don't care if you are a newbie or the grandaddy of NBN, if I disagree, I will say so and his numbers do not agree with your assessment. He had...
ya'll are bigger hoops fans than me, I've never heard of the Wagners
looked up his stats this past season and his numbers do not bear you assessment. His numbers compared to Pullen in (): shot attempts per game...
not even just an edge, @ Texas is easily our toughest game, me thinks. Then uga and Ole Miss; f$u is thrown in there with UK, slUT and LSU, maybe...
RE: Cubelic's assessmet of our schedule, that's the same feeling that I've had for a while. Collectively, it lookks difficult, but indiviually,...
I don’t agree that taking care of the ball is a strength of his.
You lost me on that one I heard that as well in that a state university has to take someone with an AA, but it might not be the university of...
if a kid wants to go, acceptance is not an issue as St Pete College has 100% acceptance rate as I understand. I know PP protects against spikes,...
I heard that as well UF has done exceptionally well to keep tuition low, which makes Florida Pre-Paid a horrible investment. The ROI on FL PP...
I think Clayton had an awful stretch, then improved considerably, then regressed at the end. The improved stretch proved he can be...
Link didn't work for me, but from the AP wire: BY MARK LONG Updated 3:45 PM EDT, April 26, 2024 GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Florida center Micah...
I believe I heard that he is ahead of schedule
Where, I see nothing on that
DUI or racing arrest this summer
The future is Golden, oh wait that's basketball. FB will be fine and Napier will get us there as long as the mouth-breathers don't run him off.
There's not enough data points to predict that Aberdeen will take over PG and I believe CTFG told Martin that he will have the OPPURTUNITY to be...
I'll call your LeBron James and raise you one Larry Bird at his current age. If nothing else, season ticket sales would go through the roof.
Since you've seen him play so much, was he ever tasked with PG? If not, maybe Dusty was just putting the best 5 on the court and the team was...
that was 1984, I imagine that medicine has advaced just a tad since then
he made changes to the STs, why can’t people understand that?