DeSantis plan of action. Do nothing. Great Job buddy.
Things are quickly spiraling out of control in Houston. Texas reports more than 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 in a single day for the first time...
Sharp increase of hospitalizations in Florida [ATTACH]
And 99% of those admitted to the hospital are unvaccinated. A major reason for the unvaccinated to get vaccinated.
Delta seems to have a much higher viral load than other variants. So vaccinated people who do become infected with delta may transmit delta far...
Rumor has it quacks and anti-vaxxers are using these rumors to spread even more misinformation.
I say we need to hold our horses with this 3rd shot. We need to see more clinical data to know whether this marker translates to need, and in whom.
New Data on Pfizer efficacy: The 6 month vaccine efficacy date from Pfizer's randomized trial, new preprint. Any symptomatic infection - 2 months...
Looks like it’s still going through trials.
No need, the research has already been done for you and it’s less than 5%.
Define many? Asymptomatic transmission does not mean the vaccine isn’t working.
BREAKING: Pfizer study shows that third dose of coronavirus vaccine is associated with a five-fold increase in antibodies in those aged 18-55 and...
Ok that’s great and all but why are hospitalizations going through the roof? Unvaccinated Americans need to stop listening to quacks on YouTube...
Who are these people? How did they invent it? did you know the vaccines do not provide 100% protection? Since when is a vaccine required to...
I don’t think anybody cares what you do.
An opinion piece with no data? One of the worst pieces of journalism I’ve ever seen.
I wouldn't exactly say that yet, since it's not conclusive. We need more studies.
In the highly vaccinated areas the case rate is still much higher in the unvaccinated then the vaccinated as the article states.
More great news. Hopefully this will be the last wave.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to say this person is mentally ill.