Was in a similar situation. Wear your mask.
Not crushed but much needed surgeries are being pushed out due to hospitals being at capacity.
Finally!! Took ya long enough. Reports that Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine is set to receive full approval from the FDA
LET THIS SINK IN— 1 out of every 1900 Florida residents are laying in a hospital bed right.
All 11 million residents in Wuhan will now be PCR tested. Why can’t individual states in the US do this where cases are surging?
“SUBSTANTIAL DROP” in intelligence—#COVID19 survivors suffer severe cognitive deficit. Patients hospitalised on ventilators saw the biggest drop...
I would say the breakthrough rate is mild, while 2-3x less than unvaxxed—can still spread.
California has almost double the population of Florida New Covid cases yesterday: California: 5,384 Florida: 21,683
The data is pretty clear. 1 death vs 417 deaths. No excuses not to get vaccinated. [MEDIA]
Today there are 9,700 patients in Florida hospitals with covid, far exceeding this state's 2nd wave peak, and quickly heading to top its 1st wave...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to issue executive order to give parents the right to decide whether their children will wear a mask at school - Reuters
Ugh just found out my 9 yr old has COVID. He feels like garbage
Um no
Educating them and fighting misinformation.
Lol that sounds like a solid plan. How do these fools get elected to office?
Things are getting even worse in Florida. I wonder what DeSantis’s plan is? Does anyone know?[ATTACH]