The number 1 issue is mainly just the overconsumption of food mainly in the form of HIGHLY PROCESSED fats and carbs.
Agreed your chances will be much higher than someone that is obese.
I think this can be accomplished with any type of caloric restriction. Keto is not magic, it's just one tool in fighting obesity and disease.
Exceptionally healthy people have also been hospitalized and died because of COVID. Don't think for one second that you are special because you...
I don't think specific foods are the cause for obesity. It's mainly the overconsumption of hyperpalatable ultra processed foods that are the problem.
Agreed, Americans are lazy, Obesity will not change in this country and will only get worse. Americans just want the easy way out and take a...
Spreading like wildfire in Hillsborough County. As of Monday, the school district said 5,599 students are either in isolation due to a positive...
I swear people in Florida have no common sense. My neighbor had COVID yet she sent her kids to school and let her kids play with my kids without...
The vaccine effectiveness seems to be waning against Delta. I’ve seen anywhere between 40-80%. Good thing Pfizer is working on a vaccine...
Paper doesn't say how well natural immunity works against Delta.
Not sure if you also saw this recent rigorous review showing lack of evidence that Ivermectin works....
Studies in this review were low quality and the majority of studies were non-peer-reviewed trials with methodological variances and inadequate...
Nice straw man. I’m laughing at the claims.
Ask Brazil how well Ivermectin worked for them. Lol. Ivermectin has not been shown to have any significant benefits for treating COVID.
There were ones that were supposed to come out that were in the $1-$5 range.
We can thank our great FDA for this. Cheap at home tests exist yet our government somehow doesn’t allow this.
The funny thing is I don’t have a narrative. I pointed out your false statement claiming long COVID in kids doesn’t exist yet your own studies...
Speaking the truth. [MEDIA]
Another good quote from the author Jonathan Swift. I think cognitive dissonance is mostly at play here.