This Day in Baseball History 1917 The Phillies trade 30-year-old Grover Cleveland Alexander and catcher Bill Killefer to the Cubs for...
1/11/25 Baseball BIRTHDAYS *********** 1876 Elmer Flickl HOF outfielder (AL batting champion 1905; NL RBI leader 1900; 2 × AL stolen base leader;...
Effa Manley was the influential co-owner of the Negro Leagues' Newark Eagles. She is the only woman elected thus far to the Baseball Hall of Fame....
Johnny Washington, first baseman mostly for the Baltimore Elite Giants and Pittsburgh Crawfords, was born #OTD in 1916. A 3-time All-Star, he led...
2006 Bruce Sutter, joining Hoyt Wilhelm (1985), Rollie Fingers (1992), and Dennis Eckersley (2004), becomes the fourth relief pitcher voted...
2001 Major League Baseball hires Arthur Andersen, an accounting company, to authenticate autographed and game-used merchandise sold by its...
1983 "The Yankee pin stripes belong to New York like Central Park, like the Statue of Liberty, like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, like the...
1977 "Superb athlete, coach, author and businessman, Joe DiMaggio stands tall among the ranks of genuine American heroes. Known and revered...
1950 George Susce is relieved of his duties by Indians' general manager Hank Greenberg when the bullpen coach's son declines an offer to sign...
Today in Baseball History January 10th 1928 Giants owner Charles Stoneham, displeased with Rogers Hornsby's abrasive style and gambling...
1/10/25 Baseball BIRTHDAYS *********** 1873 Jack O'Neill [ATTACH] 1920 Max Patkin baseball player and clown [IMG] 1938 Willie McCovey Hall of...