Yo commies. Here's a thought. Instead of yer "gotchas" for me over aerospace & whatnot. Why DON'T YOU defend our protectionist policies. Here's 1....
1. true. but it did not end very badly...have they even had more power probs than oil rich tx? 2. as you say, prior to the end, they got cheap...
You just argued with yourself - see post #18? is it predatory or can they make it cheaper? If it's the latter, they should make it. But, what do...
we're getting crushed!!! [IMG] p.s. we have 4% of the world's pop
some examples? our gdp is 11T bigger than the next guy & 6 times bigger than the 3rd guy, but we are victims in intl trade? [IMG] p.s. why did...
not partner with anyone? they make us rich
proverbs for paranoids #3 If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.
damn. if politicians were .03% as good at addressing real problems as they are addressing fake ones, we'd be set.
I'm sorry, but that is super naive. How on earth would you know that their phone was the only device they had to access the internet??? cheap...
You probably know this. Kids are born & have birthdays and get older. So, a 20 & 22 year old were teenagers from 13-19. My daughter moved out at...
My kids are 20 & 22 & I strongly disagree. devices that access the internet are super cheap. How many devices does your kid have & where are they????
l_boy said: ↑ Do you think there are cases where it is in the country’s interest to place tariffs on goods if - the country of origin is a...
from the ed. board...
https://www.wsj.com/opinion/tariffs-wont-bring-us-peace-and-prosperity-trade-china-manufacturing-rand-paul-312d6537 MAGA socialists ain't gonna...
How's it feel to vote for free choice?
I don't think she can go far enough left to satisfy the Trump leftists. Their hatred of free trade seemingly knows no bounds. Their heads might...
how do you pronouce that dude's last name?? [MEDIA]
Pubs should be in favor of an abortion rights initiative. If it passes, they can go back to their abortion is murder stance.