politicians can’t draw districts in Colo Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions
a neighbor of mine (with a vote no on 127 sign) works for the dept of wildlife. He thinks this should be entirely handled by the the appropriate...
But it seems they are nowhere near power in the first place b/c they have ideological integrity. I would think you could relate to that. I think a...
I am certainly interested in seeing others' answers. My wife & I make Bogleheads look like riverboat gamblers. We max out tax deferred accts &...
I agree with you RE: citizen initiatives. Cool thread idea. Colo does not have much int this time around. Last time we decriminalized shrooms &...
prob already mentioned upthread. I just watched One Cut of the Dead. I thought it was pretty damn cool. It has a 37 min continuous scene shot with...
is there a ballot initiative that allows for driving while high? I am a strong NO on that.
it's Condi. & she should've insta been fired on 9/11. No prob with the others. I quite liked Carly.
you mean the guy who insta gave his daughter & her wife jobs? [IMG]
you lost the thread dude. mkt prices went up. took advantage?!!? Have you ever asked for a lower wage?
Doc Ellis did throw a no no on acid. [IMG]
pubs did that. they follow some weird BIG GOV ideology & call themselves cons. I guess they win in that respect since they are somehow considered...
does not ans my Q.
are u for banning red meat. It too causes - GASP - inflammation. oh, the horror.
didn't really read this. But, pubs have NEVER been cons. &, I doubt they ever will be.
for me it was when they became full on POL POT style socialists.
tell that to my dog. [IMG]
I guess Thready McThreaderson caint hear sirens in his mom's basement.
I saw a squirrel in my backyard. Should I start a thread?
I know a lot of people who think weed has no effect on their driving which is scary. I've heard folks say it makes 'em better drivers. I am for...