we have socialist programs, not socialist government and that is what he is referring to.
The guy has 87 posts. I won't miss him.
Great and very deep post. I can tell you're a pro Oh, and so since you add absolutely nothing to the board, you're joining Bluke and Plank in the...
Isn't there someone in here tracking the members who do not post, just go around giving negative ratings?
I agreed with you after that post that HW was more qualified. As far as being more prepared, again, I blame Biden for not fulfilling his promise...
Ridiculous. But I do blame Biden for not announcing last year he wouldn't run so the dems could have an open primary. They had to deal with what...
As a woman she had to be over and above any other VP. She had to be held to a higher standard than trumph who was a disaster as a president. If...
@g8orbill - welcome back.:cool:
Nice opinion. You know what opinions are like? I'm out of here for a while. I don't mind a good discussion with the regulars, but these under...
I can't find the channel I think you have to stream Why are we on a crappy channel!!!
K. you have no idea what's coming or you're cool with it. We've been forced to accept this, and I don't
Like they care. The republicans have become the party of dumass.
Cool. I hope you are affected by everything he passes
LOL dude. Biden worked across the aisle to get the most legislation passed in decades. THATS what it means. Are you telling me that republicans...
This. They are preserving them so they don't go to sycophant judge Cannon. She will just dismiss it all and get rid of all the evidence.
Thanks. Trumph can't negotiate, he didn't try once to work across the aisle. He was divisive and furthered our divide. So tell me who he wants...
Uh oh [IMG]
When he met with putin in Helsinki, he DID meet alone with him. The American interpreter said so under oath. He wasn't allowed in the room. Not a...
I'd love to know the % of latinos that would fall under that action, that voted for the "man".
As Liz Cheney just said, we have the constitution to keep us hopefully safe from the radical right as they occupy the WH.