France makes very good fighter jets, ship killing missiles (Exocet) great submarines and the best torpedo isn the business.
Sigh….. Now you’re laughably wrong too (again). NY Post Promotes Laughably Wrong Claim From Online Troll Accusing Jon Stewart of Fraudulently...
Some of our oil sucks. Especially the oil from the wasteland AKA South Dakota (thanks Gov Noem!).
Good grief you own the most lunatic take on Too Hot this year which is saying something. However I’m sure you’ll out do yourself. I have not put...
Alabama has seen enough. Elect pro choice demoncRAT who ran against the chrstofeascists anti abortion anti women cabal. Democrat Flips Trump...
LOL. We’re going to need a forum for unhinged Christian’s telling us it’s our lot to live in a dystopian Christofascist shit hole along with...
Vicious pornography and other bad things in there. Should be illegal for minors to read. Definitely banned in schools. Am I doing this right?
I’m still here! With out delving in to a flagrant and willful misreading of a particular post by the powers that be, I was given a time out for 2...
I guy I know who’s a XO (or what ever you call it below captain) on an oil drilling ship. He said the best thing to have done in shoot the gap on...
I love the idea of Stupid ‘“Christians” buying this in droves. Even funnier than Mike “Huckabilly” shilling “A kids guide to Donald Trump”. I...
Think Cuba has had similar allegations in the past.
Yeah well you were likely 15 or younger back then. It was on TV years ago and I watched for about 10 minute. So freaking bad.
Still no evidence he has (he’s still under audit so can’t share them, LOL). The NYT reported somewhere on a leaked partial return that he had a...
sheesh fragile people…… did not say you are a bad person. It’s just that there no gray with Trump..
I’ve got the hateful 8 and the Russian troll on ignore. Can’t do it to all of them it’s important to understand what the lunatic junta is up to.
I can see it now a leper colony at Mar A Lago…
The orange Putin lackey?
Aren’t some of the Chechens ISIS adjacent?
Likely? Come on. If you can’t call it what it is you’re no better than the shills. Stop equivocating. It’s not like we don’t have the info to...