Sounds like Trump wrote this . . . . :) [ATTACH]
". . . . . happy to see Biden thinks roughly half of America is garbage." [ATTACH]
". . . . . happy to see Biden thinks roughly half of America is garbage." Your guy had previously called half the country "vermin", said they...
Trump couldn't give a speech like Harris' if his life depended upon it.
Growing up to be Trump brownshirts. This is what MAGAs are voting for.
Exactly right! When have they EVER come down on the side of the electorate?
I agreed with Biden's decision to step aside, even though he had done a very good job. It's clear it's time for him to move on. That said, on...
The right whines and cries that Biden is not fit to run for re-election, no matter how good a job he's done. Then, after the Dems persuade Biden...
Just sharing information. Never claimed to be an economist. Disagreement noted regarding greed.
I agree that Biden takes some responsibility, but inflation dropped faster in the U.S. than in the other G-7 countries. And, his low approval...