I love your sources. Right dangle? Alleged voting malfunction could not be recreated, Kentucky county clerk says
A lot of your info about elections is wrong. For example, 97% of ballots are paper ballots that can be counted, recounted and audited, if...
Trump doesn't really care about border security. It's just an issue he can exploit. He uses migrants as a scapegoat to blame for all our...
"They're not entirely wrong about that." Perhaps. But, they have been bombarded with nonstop LYING about their situation, the democratic process...
No, reality has a FACTUAL lean. According to former Senator Danforth, who reviewed all the court cases with seven other Republicans: "There is...
Thanks for the info. Was the show depressing, knowing that this unAmerican, LYING POS is back, prepared to LIE, CHEAT and STEAL his way back into...
The conclusion reached by former U.S. Senator Jack Danforth, one of eight Republicans, from the earlier referenced post : "There is no...
Trump doesn't brag about having ways to improve the lives of his voters. Not at all. He brags that he and Johnson have a secret way to cheat to...
You STILL haven't explained this from 2020. [ATTACH]
There's a 100% chance that the right is out there with false flag operations to discredit otherwise fair elections. So they can say: "See, I...
You guys will defend ANYTHING Trump or Musk will do to literally buy votes.
Thanks for the clarification.