Leave it to you to slander an honorable, 4 star general who served his country well. Contrary to your slander, General Kelly has NO conflict of...
Key word "alleged" . . . . by the biggest LIAR this nation has ever seen! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
"Meanwhile Trump keeps going like the energizer bunny." On the contrary . . . . [ATTACH]
Really? Your guy Musk offers $1 million per day to registered voters in an illegal lottery. You are Mr. Projection.
Winning LIEFEST 2024. :)
Trump and Musk would gave bought hundreds of politicians and thousands of voters.
You will defend ANYTHING your disgraceful POS POTUS says or does. ANYTHING.
More proof that there's no significant voter fraud. [ATTACH]
Trump uses Hitler's vile words over and over again at his rallies and in his interviews. As proof, it's on tape over and over again. That doesn't...
Why would we say she's unqualified when she is clearly qualified based on her resume, experience and accomplishments. "Put a respectable...
A good start, but then you lost me when you used the term "putrid". Few have said Harris is the "best". But she is very qualified, experienced,...
With less than two weeks before election day, it's fair to contrast the two. That's especially true when someone posts a Harris "rant", knowing...
Apparently you missed the debate when she clearly beat Trump.
No harm. No foul. Just too long. I could (but I won't) post 30+ far more incoherent "rants" by Trump, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that...
Trump's bullying probably got to him.