Too fun! What a difference a day makes.
Thank you.
I’ll see your 20 strikeouts and raise you 20 runs. Maybe.
Amazing how well you can hear us Gators when the corn dogs get shut up.
Is there a pitch count other than 0 and 2?
Thanks, Matherly. So, pretty much all major league parks are shorter to center than is Omaha?
Thank you, jkl. I like this. I don’t understand it, but I like it. What I don’t understand is how they diagram all those home runs to centerfield...
Oh, OK, thanks. Then, “a good time was had by all”, yes?
I’m unable to link it (please someone younger than old), but Creighton University’s Analytical Department’s evaluation of Robertson’s catch is...
Florida the only 1 to do it this century.
2 f’n gone!
Sayin’ it again.
Successful bunt.
Let’s Go Gators!
I think I’ve told myself, “We’re still ahead” just about a million times.
Really fun thread, y’all. Gotta agree with the OP though. I know my brother and I have been constantly and consistently texting each other with...
See you’ve met my brother.