Went to a Gators gear store in St. Pete on Thursday. Owner told me Ricky’s family were in the day before (Dad, Mom and 2 younger brothers). She...
Thank you, Candy. I’m ALL Gators. I love recruiting, but cannot digest it. The shear number of positions, existing depth, needs, class makeup,...
Tuesday at midnight, and again at 11:00 am on the SEC Network.
We can beat ‘em at their place.
Gotta believe that locker room and the plane ride home are gonna be something else. Congrats to the whole team/staff. Happy for ‘em. Go Gators!
Huge win! 1st SEC win and that includes last year as well. At LSU, and this LSU team is no slouch. They are a tournament team from last year with...
Way, way back in the day there was a great American swimmer named Don Schollander. He won a few golds in the ‘62 Olympics and then wrote a book....
Good Gawd, how I do hate that song.
Go Gators!
Thank you, I’ve tried. Yes, cable through Spectrum. Have visited SEC Network Plus and logged on to Spectrum, read a couple of articles and still...
Raised on the stuff, and much prefer it to ketchup, and sweet.
Eastern NC barbecue, for the win.
Really not happy about this.
Nice pup.
Extremely witty or one superb Freudian slip!
And Spectrum and Disney have kissed and made up, so it’s actually on TV; a beautiful thing. Looking forward to it.
Thanks, Bazza but I don’t think so. That calls for some real champion caliber squinting on a 13” Sylvania TV/VCR combo set.
Went ahead and signed up for a free 21 day YouTube TV trial, and it’s working! The fact that I somehow made anything electronic/IT/AI work is an...
I have Hulu, but live TV is not on Hulu, it’s on Hulu+. Hulu+ costs $69.99/month. Too much given I’m already paying for Spectrum cable, Amazon and...
7 grandkids, that ain’t happenin’.