[MEDIA] Spark Notes: The owner of Gab has identified the social media posts under an account on Gab as potentially being the assassin’s social...
If you read my post up thread I said what is most important is how they exercise the power of the office. Right now I don't believe Trump will...
I think it should be allowed to stand. It could be an annual monument for everyone to behold to be reminded of the moral insanity that we have...
I don't think it is misguided. Assimilation is important. Making sure they assimilate constitutional and American values is important. People...
I would not consider myself a supporter. I have never worn a MAGA hat. I have never bought anything MAGA or even put a Trump sign in my yard or...
I respect your decision to do that. I will be praying for you. I don’t know what you plan on reading, but the Bible is a good book to read. :)...
It depends on your definition of theocracy. We could say theocracy is the union of church and state. I do not believe that is what I am...
It is good to think and reflect. I respect that. I also deduced you had taken a break from Too Hot after our exchange. I have done the same...
OK, Lord of the Flies it is then.
I am curious what people's thoughts are. Was Biden's decision to step down voluntary or was he forced to step down by the higher ups in his party?
He appointed justices to overturn Roe vs. Wade. You are asking the wrong question, though. Talking about reducing abortion without outlawing...
I hope neither of them end up there, but that is where all sin takes people if they choose to live in it.
It is not just a view. It is a view that has been imposed on society. That implementation has resulted in 1/3 of our country being murdered in...
It is not a typo. 1/3 of our nation has died in the American abortion holocaust. Biden supports that holocaust as a human right, and many...
It is kind of like that baby that figures out that crying and pitching a fit is the key to getting whatever you want from your parents, except...
Yes, Trump should drop out of the race for the good of the country. It would all but guarantee Republicans the Presidency, the House, and the...
On July 22, WikiLeaks published the Democratic National Committee email leak, in which DNC operatives seemed to deride Bernie Sanders'...
They weren't allowed to pick Bernie, and they still aren't allowed to pick the nominee. It is the party of the elites.