When you have art that is 1000s of years old and usually nude in Europe, society is less uptight about nudity than in the deep south. I feel...
The conservative in me likes less laws and less regulation. The market will fix most problems.
A question popped up when I read a hurtful comment by another poster, NOT YOU. What does your best friend think about the new FL laws concerning...
Everyone obviously knows why this unconstitutional law was crafted. They didn't have laws about strippers prior to this? They are just now...
Somebody! Flip that nothing burger! This is a great example of not having all the facts and coming to a predetermined conclusion based on one's...
I really like this observation. I think insulated is a better word. He has surrounded himself with yes men/women. He also owns the state...
You claim the left are marxists constantly. You also claim that the right are having to use the same tactics as the left. Your "war". So, if...
This is already going the wrong way for Desantis. Look for this to spread like wildfire. Latinos will be afraid to get medical care. A few more...
A former student of Ron DeSantis' says he was 'hostile' to her because she was Black and would play 'devil's advocate' about the Civil War: NYT...
They are pulling out all the stops. Taking away freedom by a thousand cuts. This is your party(right) at work.
If your views are so extreme that they cost you elections(see abortion). Maybe, just maybe, it is time to re-evaluate where the party is heading....
I'll go a step further...if my choices are people wanting to destroy the other side or solar power and EVs. I think that's an easy choice. Do...
You couldn't answer it or you don't have the cajones...which is it?...
Do you think Desantis governs for both sides of the aisle or only one side of the aisle? He said he will destroy leftism. Does that sound like...
It's pretty hard to admit it to yourself. Tell your best friend that you would keep the trans people away from your daughters. Tell us all what...
My point is simple. If we all can agree that each event is independent and the root causes are different; maybe we can have a serious talk about...
The right needs to stop trying to equate the two. Like they are the exact same thing. STOP IT! Once we do that we can dissect both incidents...
That is terrible. Need a few national articles telling people this is a horrible ratio. And a rip off. Scumbags.
Looking at some news reports, the Latinos might be turning on Desantis. That immigration bill is going to hurt.
It is very relevant. True believers are much more dangerous than panderers. True believers think what they are doing is right. Way more...