Kansas abortion amendment vote seen as a bellwether for post-Roe era Guess what happened in a pretty red state?...
You can't possibly believe this when looking at all of the evidence without bias.
He doesn't have it together enough to declare war on our economy. You are giving him way too much credit. He's not this mastermind globalist...
You should really stop. You are purposefully being dishonest about your argument. There is a long list of laws that are attacking POC, women,...
The white grievance card. Played more than the race card these days. EDIT: But it is a type of race card. Is this equivalent of the Reverse...
You honestly think that a majority of people support abortion bans?
I'll answer for you. The answer is no. Thanks.
The horror. Or Make America Florida/Alabama/Mississippi/Louisiana!
Even as a joke, this is terrifying to many Americans. No thanks.
Can Trump/Desantis win with ONLY the red vote? The extreme right is going to vote straight red ticket anyhow. Why not broaden your reach and...
And people will still vote for Biden over whatever psycho the right puts up because they have gone off the deep end. Honest question, right now,...
Another loser at the polls. Viktor Orban Jr is going to get crushed like a bug.
Yeah, you were saying? The backlash is REAL and it is happening here in FL. The abortion ban alone is enough to iceberg the RMS Desantis. Get...
Great post! Make America Alabama! Make America Mississippi! I left out the part about special needs because that wasn't necessary.
EVERYONE saw this coming. He has gone off the rails. His act went sour fast, didn't it. And this is in his home state. People outside of...
Bingo. Lots of articles on this out there. Younger people are much much more socially liberal in their views. This is in direct conflict to...
Desantis? No one outside of FL wants America to be like Florida unless their name is Viktor Orban.
Pass. Absolutely not. I'd rather be waterboarded.
If this were a Blue State, this would be all over the place. Utah? Those wacky but RED mormons. I would label this a LOSER at the polls for the...
Why do this? What benefit is that to your campaign? Even Biden isn't mentally diminished enough to do something so un-American. No thanks to this.