HUNGARY! Orbán’s Orwellian law paves way for “information police state” in Hungary The Right's favorite autocrat. Viktor Orban.
People are starting to push back against him. Why alienate MORE voters? Desantis just isn't having a good year for election purposes. Part of...
Hard no from me.
Instead of condemning this horrible act, you are somehow trying to rationalize it? Flaunt? Normal? How do you really feel?
Can you please post this crap in another thread? You have derailed this thread long enough. Maybe a mod can help get this back on track.
This is hilarious. You've mentioned Hillary 50 times and you are saying this. Grab a mirror.
Says the guy who has given out 3900 Disagree Bacon's, 2100 Dislikes and 2800 Come on man's. You're a serial disagree bacon'er. Having seen your...
HUGE difference is that the Montana guy committed a HATE CRIME. If you can't see the difference, that's on you.
LMFAO. If you believed that you wouldn't get such joy out of it. If you truly mean that the "ratings are mostly for you". Then, you should have...
Bothered? I embrace it. I took the power of ratings away from you. I made it into a JOKE. As you can see, a lot of other posters feel the...
Badge of Honor! If that poster disagrees with anything, you know you are definitely on the RIGHT side of the topic/thread. It is ZERO...
You are talking MAJOR changes. Then what? Everyone else that wants to switch? No thanks. LUNATICS.
I am totally with you. I feel like we already gave way too much power to the Freedom Caucus. The only way to bring balance is to keep voting NOT...
Another fine Republican lunatic. This is the new GOP. Until they stop voting these psychos into for anyone but the right. The...
This is 100% accurate. They cannot even imagine they have been grifted for 7 years. You can see the writing on the wall though. Some of them...
We might be headed there but what a disaster. This pulls in ZERO votes from the middle or left.
Do you think he can declassify nuclear secrets? Isn't he beholden to the continued safety of the Republic? You think he should be able to take...
How egregious. This will just get idiots killed. Fox lied to its viewers for years. Why the heck do those people keep falling for faux news? Why?
This is ban worthy. And if you didn't put him on ignore before that comment, NOW is the time. Any of you right wingers agree with that...
The Road or No Country for Old Men Brilliant author. edit: @exiledgator great suggestions. I wanted to add he won a Pulitzer for The Road. It...