I pray AR does not return next year. I don't think he has it between the ears.
There is zero chance Josh leaves UT. Even if Josh didn't carry ill feelings toward OK.
By all accounts he's a young man of solid moral fiber.
And this is why I will now be much more critical of college athletes. These young men are now getting paid to perform. With that comes a...
Personally, I think UT beats Jawga. If not UT will not lose by more than about 7 points. I think folks are going to be surprised. This UT team is...
Agreed. Though I can't say I love AR.
My thoughts exactly
This student body (generation) has never known UT to be elite in football.
Had I taken the time to explain my prediction it would've sounded very similar. I hope we're wrong but when I take off my Gators glasses all I see...
UGA - 63 UF - 17
Agreed and I for one would have donated $52.20.
Just block me or skip over my posts if my opinion bothers you.
Only one of my teams won today.
Why? Because you can't handle the truth. I post my opinion just like everyone else. I graduated from both schools and call it like I see it. I...
Nothing about this post warrants deleting.
Our Gators are dead in the water. Napier is not coaching to win. IMO the huge salaries being paid along with a multi-million dollar buyout kills...
Thus far I'm not impressed with Napier.
AR is saving himself for the draft.
The vast majority of championship level teams commit a significant number of penalties. Why? Because great teams play a high intensity game....
Last week we play a high school team and the week before we absolutely had to throw the ball around in order to keep up with the UT offense. AR...