This is hardly surprising. Putin’s bot farm is at work. [MEDIA]
That’s the reason the J6 committee is showing their hand here. They’re asserting the crime-fraud exception applies even if there were a privilege...
Don’t crime in email, kids. [MEDIA]
Do it! [MEDIA]
“You can’t have your money back” is…well…a strategy. [MEDIA]
The Mouse has spoken. [MEDIA]
They just got Migs.
Fair enough. :)
Nice to know it’s warming up, since dealing with frozen ground would have been too difficult to dig him up for this.
I realize this is a bait post, but I would like to point out something about it. Look at the sheer malignant narcissism it portrays with him...
I had a feeling it was espionage. These details are going to be something else.
What in the fresh H E double hockey sticks is undiplomatic activities? [MEDIA]
Hope that guy avoids windows and tea when he gets home.
Idiotic. Kill him and you create a martyr. You give him immortality.
Yeah, that plan didn’t work out.