AR not the reason Gators lost. Played well enough to win and then some. 400 yds passing…some key drops and 1 pickoff the receiver. Abysmal special...
Think the idea was to get 5, then go for it
1st half was most complete half of Gator football in quite a spell until the last 2 minutes. Fake punt after TO by Gators. Had to be punt safe...
Our 4th noon kickoff of the season. Not complaining since it is in Nashville in mid to late Nov
Reckon 4 wins in 3 years does not meet the standard. Place has been a dumpster fire since they fired Jim Leavitt for cause, and ended up paying...
Created pressure by bringing 5 often in the 2d half, plus sone stunts….things we did not do in the first half and rarely in the season up till the...
It is certainly disheartening to watch this D. Just not fun to watch and creates all sorts of negativity
Only had 2 weeks to prep for the TEs
Recovering from nephew’s wedding, which was set on the Gators’ bye weekend.
Kahleil Jackson unleashes NSFW frustration after loss to LSU As Mick would say, “Oh My”. Update: See post #76.
[IMG] American Erin Jackson makes history with Olympic speedskating gold medal
Did not play in bowl game. Don’t know if he dressed out or not.
Recall a bone crushing tackle on KO teams USF
Hopefully we will learn soon from the announcers
Sorry auto correct - just thought he would be playing.
Did not see him play. Not sure if he even dressed or if there is something going on. Had high hopes for him, and always felt he was very loyal to...
It got dropped on its noggin. Back to Montreal for a few repairs and back in Tampa for the weekend.
Photos: Lightning parade celebrates second Stanley Cup win
Boat parade: How the Lightning and fans celebrated in downtown Tampa
Killorn out due to what was reportedly a broken leg sustained on a blocked shot. Yet, he traveled with the team to Mtl, and supposedly may...