I'll help. I don't throw them back like I used to but Coach can tell you I have stressed my liver in the past :)
She is beautiful!
It was for the throat slash
Try some other sites from out of country other than your usual. Al Jazeera, some Indian sites, etc. Don't trust everything you see on TV
Of course I am pulling for the Indians over the Evil Empire
My Hulu just went out with Judge up in the top of the 10th! You have got to be kidding me.
Alonso Dinger!!!!!
I'm also kinda a weirdo. I wish they played 600 games a year :)
LOL - The White Sox were so bad this year. It is hard for a pro team to lose that many games.
I have said for years you should be able to go to CVS (used to be Eckerds for you old timers) and buy a pack of Marlboro Golds. Regulated and...
Dammit I am agreeing with you again. After my Covid I will never put anything in my lungs again but my neighbor gives me an occasional gummy...
October! As a Royals fan please do not let Chris Chambliss show up :). Crushed me as a kid.
I just love it!
We will miss Neely. He was incredible down the stretch. That team was only a few game from winning the natty with 30 losses. Sully is the GOAT!
I had 3 of his rookie cards until my drug addicted uncle stole them and sold them. Mr. Rose was a great guy IMO. His competitive nature inspires!
For those of you old enough I had an "Ayatollah Assahola" T Shirt back in 1980. Wore it to middle school lol.
Very true. Unfortunately politics get involved. I work with quite a few people that are just getting by and inflation is not 3% to them. They...
Fairly easy question. Demand dropped and supply didn't. Natural curve. If you are not making money on a product you reduce supply. Once demand...
I'll take this one. Oil Glut. There was so much sitting offshore in tankers and investors were putting their money elsewhere. Eco and the...