Sorry I'm an idiot. My thought was wrong. Won't happen again. Thank you for righting my wrong. Peace, love and soul.
We need to get Vawter, period. Third assist should have been hired by now. What's the hold up there. If Maxwell goes to OU and we get Vawter...
This is from a Texas forum. Take it for what it's worth... [IMG] Jacob Johnson2,500+ Posts It’s being reported that Maxwell will be taking some...
It may not be up to him... lol
Who has a better shot at a championship and who would be a more important member of the coaching staff. Looks like you're moving Griffin. Lol
I concur. That GoBoomer1 guy is the typical OU fan. He was also saying Maxwell just followed Jen and JT on snapchat. Lol OK Lol
This from robocoach. Take with grain of salt. Quote GoBoomer1 40 minutes ago Since we’re on the topic of Instagram follows, Kelly Maxwell has...
As expected Kern to Stanford..
I agree this was a very potent offense against non-SEC opponents and some SEC teams. Our pitching was the big issue. But you gotta admit when they...
With all the talk of the portal and hopefully bringing in Maxwell and/or Vawter, I want to move the subject to the new 3rd assistant; and, I just...
From what I've read about her, sounds like she's a hitting machine with has speed, sounds like the perfect leadoff for our big guns to drive in.
If we get both of them I think their inning will only be part of the reason they're coming. I think they'll see what Tim has put together for...
Yeah, from what I read, she's been doing that program for the last few summers. Although, I would think with a Stanford degree in engineering...
I was just reading about her.. actually popped into here to see what's the word on her.. from what I read seems like a good pick up. #3 in the...
I think Tim reads these posts and saw some of us being down on him (not me though. Lol) and is stretching this and the 3rd coach decision out to...
AND.... Texas has reached out to Maxwell. Whether she accepts the offer is on her but know that Texas reached out and is trying/tried to get...
ALTHOUGH.... ↑ Erickson just followed Kelly Maxwell and Maxwell followed her back. Would make total sense for Maxwell and Vawter to go to Florida...
That's great! Texans are always right! We're so golden. Lol just kiddin' Lol
That was back before he re-signed in 2018.. I think. Because I was thinking, well if he goes let's make Rocha head coach. Then she left..ugh