If it is a "headfake" it could go down as one of the greatest blunders in CFB hiring history.
Hey, this is a pedo-free zone!
So now you think we are getting him?
What the hell is a TOS?
Feldy, Just say that he can't pass up the UF job because the rest are chump programs in comparison.
100% totally unequivocally reputable.
If Kelly wants the job it would be a huge risk to wait till December to see how serious Frost is. If you can get Kelly now - do it! Don' risk...
Let's hope not...
Ben/Tilly, Have you heard of any hold ups or is it just going through the process at this point?
If this dude is the next coming like many say he is, hes gonna get paid whether it's UF or not.
Honestly: you think Frost would be negotiating with another team during his undefeated run headed into a bowl game? If there's deep negotiating...
Who are these multiple home runs?
Chip up? Oh, Chin up.....nevermind
Don' think Stricklands tweet was in reference to Chip. I think it was about Foley.
Foley still creepin' and won't go away just like Hillary.
If this Chip deal doesn' go through at this point talk about a total backfire....
Some dude over at Gator Chatter is saying he's hearing a rumor that Foley is trying to flex his muscles and veto a Chip deal. Who knows if true....
Haha...i should have put a sarcasm face on there!
This scares me: This guy just said on twitter: "Chip is not going to be the coach at UF...sorry about the smoke." [media] Here is his...