My quess: Frost, Mullen and maaaybe Strong were the top choices. Stricklin began early vetting Frost and one of those sources was Chip. During...
Exactly... What happened to "Ballgame"?
As good as a prospective coach as he is, he's gonna feel like a consolation prize after this Chip Kelly shit.
I see what you are saying but Scott Frost and Chip Kelly are not equal. It's gonna be a major letdown no matter what if we don' get Chip. Want...
Well, that's not a good thing. If this was close he'd probably be deflecting questions. The fact nobody is asking questions isn't good.
It's not Chip who would leak it, it would be his agent/agency/lawyers. But I see what you mean, he hadn't denied it. This unjust probably means...
I didn't think it was a bad attitude, just being realistic. If this doesn't get done, there will be legitimate disappointment for the fanbase....
Everyone should probably just sit back and chill. There's not gonna be some surprise announcement. When this thing is close or done you will know...
Tom Ace - Stanford Law?
Haha...I can't spell for shit. Not proud of it.
What sucks for Stricklan is that he can't control this shit. He can't confirm or deny anything and he has to watch a rumor spin out of control....
Basketball halftime, today's plain trip, the Foley story, the playoff ranking show.... The more these things are rumored then debunked the more...
If it doesn't happen our rivals are going to clown the shit out of us the way we've been talking aboit this.
It hasn't. People need to take a step back before they get extremely disappointed
Come on....."inallkindsofweather"??? So far we are relying on: Inallkindsofweather Incarcerated Bob GatorCenter Some dude on campus
Pretty much like I thought - they're talking but nothing close to done.
Just depression...
Kelly is really the only one. Gruden is a stretch...
This tweet from earlier is probably exactly where we're at right now - interest but not close: [media]