Here's how you know what the right choice is: What's more frightening: Chip Kelly to A&M or UT or Scott Frost to A&M or UT?
You can call me out by name, its ok. I don' mean any disrespect towards them, just think it could be a bit irresponsible to post stuff like...
If we pass on Chip it's a loss no matter if we get Frost. They are not equals. At least not yet. We just had Jim Mcelwain coaching a dumpster...
They are not equals...
Chip Kelly wants to coach the Florida Gators. What do the Florida Gators do: wait to talk to a coach in the minor leagues.....
Frost is not a superior coach to Chip. If you want to go absolutely looney you can say he is even at best. The idea on passing on Chip when he...
True. Rediculous that he would even be considered as second option to Frost.
Everyone needs to bombard Stricklin with support for Chip.
I never thought I'd say this but: butt out Steve!
Check out @DarrenHeitner’s Tweet: [media] There you go...
Again, he said they haven't made a final decision, not not talked to anyone.
He didn't say we haven't spoken with anyone. He said they haven't made the decision that Chip is the guy.
Read what Darren Heitner is saying.
Translation: Twitter, Reddit, other paid sites and GC. Basically the same outlets we all see. I know you believe Darren. You saw what he said...
Haha...ok. Hey everybody, this kid in Alabama just spoke with Matt Corral and he said Chip will be announced today. You can relax now!
[media] Exactly...they haven't even decided if the are going to go with Kelly.
I understand that. The problem is everything that has happened since in regards to all the "close" talk and all this contract nonsense.
Haha...another relable source.
That actually came from the original source of all this Franz Beard and that radio interview he did.
The backtracking has begun...