So please, what am I supposed to think, feel, and do when Trump calls immigrants "animals?" Or when the city of Springfield, OH has to close...
I wouldn't put Arizona in Trump's pocket just yet. Latest 538 is only Trump +.4, and that includes Trafalgar at Trump +2. 2020, Trafalgar had...
Because the evidence doesn't support it. The kid who shot Trump in PA was a mentally ill person looking to go out in a blaze of glory. He tracked...
The guy is a nutcase who shouldn't have been able to get an assault rifle. I think we're all glad he'll be locked away for a long time. But don't...
The truth is inconsequential for MAGA. It's the division along ethnic lines that matter.
There's a whole bunch of Republicans voting for Harris this election. Must all be left-leaning RINOs!!! Personally, who cares where this...
Maybe if you want the Hitler comparisons to stop, you should tell Trump to stop quoting directly from Mein Kamph and taking pages directly out of...
So the gallows and "Hang Mike Pence" chants were evidence of a tea party? As for Trump, if he doesn't want people comparing him to Hitler, maybe...
Trump lowered legal immigration numbers. He accomplished nothing when it came to undocumented immigration. Before the spikes in 2022 and 23, 2019...
You're missing part of the story. Undocumented immigrants who return home. The flow isn't always in one direction.
Who is the one who just blamed Haitian immigrants for eating pets? Which unleashed bomb and other threats on a small town in Ohio? Maybe the MSM...
Trafalgar had Trump +2.5 in Arizona over Biden in Oct 2020. Actual results was Biden +.4, barely within the margin of error. It's also unusual...
The pic of the man holding geese is from Columbus. About 45 miles from Springfield. The birds were roadkill. No idea if the man pictured is an...
Using propaganda to marginalize an ethnic group to blame all the country's ills upon. Goebbels would be proud!
Trump is charged under the Georgia RICO Act of trying to interfere in a state-held election. The falsification of records is something that...
The Wildcats are also a 7.5 underdog on the road!
Trump still faces 8 counts in GA. And please explain how the STATE of Georgia bringing charges is lawfare conducted by Federal officials Biden and...
Highly unlikely. She's an accomplished prosecutor who knows how to push Trump's buttons. He's a narcissist who can't resist when prodded,...
The headline should be, "Senior in Obvious Cognitive Decline Falls for Internet Hoax!" Unbelievable that a candidate for POTUS, leader of the free...
The ballots in Maricopa County, AZ, which encompasses Phoenix and about 5/7 of the state's population were counted, recounted, audited, and...